Nested Arrays in EmberJS
My latest project has me working on EmberJS.
Because at this point, what’s one more JavaScript client framework? In all seriousness, though, this has the benefit that I get to see lots of different technologies. It also has the downside that I do not get to work with a single technology long enough to get really good at it.
Our current problem is something along this line. We have a nested array of strings to hold the street address. We kicked around a few different solutions, but ended up with the most dynamic possible answer. It was also the trickiest solution, but that tends to be expected.
Here’s a quick-and-dirty version of the model.
App.ShippingAddress = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr("string"),
address: DS.attr({
defaultValue: function() {
return [];
Instead of having separate fields for the different address
parts, it is stored as a single array of strings in the database.
This problem here is that an array of strings is not bindable in Ember. Ember would much rather work with objects. To fix this, we added a computed property to the ShippingAddress
. This function converts each line
string into an simple {value: <line>}
App.ShippingAddress = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr("string"),
address: DS.attr({
defaultValue: function() {
return [];
editableAddress: Ember.computed("address", function() {
var address = this.get("address");
return {
return { value: line };
In our template, we now work with model.editableAddress
, instead of the original address
{{#each model.editableAddress as |line index|}}
{{input value=line.value}}
<span {{action 'removeLine' index}} style="cursor: pointer;">[-]</span>
<span {{action 'addLine'}} style="cursor: pointer;">[+]</span>
When addLine
and removeLine
are used, their code will look like this. Note that we are adding a new object to the editableAddress
addLine() {
var editableAddress = this.get('model.editableAddress');
editableAddress.pushObject({ value: '' });
removeLine(index) {
var editableAddress = this.get('model.editableAddress');
The only step remaining is to set the new value of address
based on what is currently stored in editableAddress
function updateShippingAddress() {
var editableAddress = this.get("model.editableAddress");
var address = [];
editableAddress.forEach(function(line) {
if (line.value && line.value.trim().length) {
this.get("model").set("address", address);
Check out the working demo.
Special thanks to John Daley and Chad Moore for their insights on this bug.