Tibco Spotfire (version 7.10) has a very powerful JavaScript visualization library. In fact, you can write your charts with any existing JavaScript library - D3.js, Google Charts, Chart.js, etc. - and have all of the functionality of both Spotfire and your library of choice. There are a few tricks you’ll need to learn to get everything to work, through.

Put Your Visualization in #js_chart

Everything you draw needs to get written to the #js_chart element. If you don’t put your visualization in that container, there’s a good chance it will not work as expected.

const $container = $("#js_chart");

Use the SpotfireLoaded Event

When Spotfire is ready, it sends the SpotfireLoaded event to the window.

$(window).on("SpotfireLoaded", e => {
    // Put your loading code here.

Here, we will set up our visualization, fetch data, and anything else we need to do to get started.

Use Spotfire.read to Get Data

Spotfire.read is used to read data from the Spotfire server.

Spotfire.read("data", {}, dataString => {
    let dataObject = JSON.parse(dataString);
    // Put your data manipulation code.

The data comes in as a string, so we need to use JSON.parse(). There is a lot of metadata stored with the data. You’ll be interested in the data property.

Use Spotfire.modify to Mark Data

Spotfire.modify is used to write data back to the Spotfire server. Importantly, this is used to mark data.

// indices is an array of row indices, e.g. [ 235, 236, 401].
function mark(indices) {
    Spotfire.modify("mark", { indexSet: indices, markMode: "Replace" });

Hopefully, this helps you get started with JavaScript visualizations in Spotfire.