It’s pretty easy to do a cross join with dplyr, but it may not be immediately obvious. The only trick is to create a “fake” data column, and use the full_join function on this “fake” column.

tbl_1 <- tibble(val_1 = 1:50)
tbl_2 <- tibble(val_2 = 101:125)

A cross join for this data should look like the following data set.

val_1 val_2
1 101
1 102
1 103
2 101
2 102
3 103
50 123
50 124
50 125

Create a fake column, and assign a value. I chose 1, but it can be any constant value. Create a full_join, then remove the fake column with the select(-fake) function.

tbl_1$fake <- 1
tbl_2$fake <- 1
my_cross_join <- full_join(tbl_1, tbl_2, by = "fake") %>%

That’s all it takes! Now, go forth and cross join.