Chord diagrams are a graphical method of displaying relationships within a square matrix. Usually, the matrix shows a transfer from one state to another state.

Chord Chart Output

Data Table

This data is randomly generated by the script.

In our example data set, items started in State 1 and went to State 3.

Along the diagonal, we see values that stayed in a single state. In our example data set, items started in State 2 and remained in State 2.

The Code

First, our data matrix must be chord-ified. Fortunately, D3 makes this quite easy with the d3.chord function.

// Chord-ify the data set.
let chord = d3.chord().padAngle(deg2rad(1));
let chords = chord(data);

Let’s define our svg object.

let svg ="#canvas");
svg.attr("width", width)
    .attr("height", height)
    .attr("font-size", fontSize)
    .attr("font-family", fontFamily);

The d3.chord, d3.arc, and d3.ribbon functions will create graphical elements centered at the point (0, 0). We need to apply a transform so graphic will appear in the middle of our SVG.

// Define the view window for the chort chart.
let gView = svg
    .classed("view", true)
    .attr("transform", `translate(${width / 2}, ${height / 2})`);

We have two primary groups to concern ourself with. We have arcs and we have ribbons.

// Create a wrapping group for the chord groups (arcs).
let gGroups = gView
    .classed("group", true);

// Create a wrapping group for the chord groups.
let gChords = gView
    .classed("chord", true);

We use our arc generator function to draw the arcs.

// Generator function for the outer arcs.
let arc = d3

// Create a path, using the arc generator function, for each
// group in the data set.
    .attr("fill", d => color(d.index, numCategories))
    .attr("stroke", d => d3.rgb(color(d.index, numCategories)).darker())
    .attr("stroke-width", 1)
    .attr("d", arc)
    .text(d => label(d.index));

Let’s add some tick marks to the arcs.

 * Function to generate the tick marks for a single arc.
 * @param {object} data
 * @param {number} step
function ticks(data, step) {
    let k = (data.endAngle - data.startAngle) / data.value;
    return d3.range(0, data.value, step).map(x => {
        return {
            value: x,
            angle: x * k + data.startAngle

// Create a group for each small tick mark.
let gTicks = gGroups
    .data(d => ticks(d, smallTick))
    .classed("tick", true)
    .attr("transform", d => `rotate(${rad2deg(d.angle) - 90}) translate(${outerRadius}, 0)`);

// Create a tick for each tick mark.
    .attr("x1", 0)
    .attr("x2", tickSize)
    .attr("stroke", "black")
    .attr("stroke-width", 1);

// Create a text element for large tick mark.
    .filter(d => d.value % largeTick === 0)
    .attr("x", tickSize + 2)
    .attr("dy", "0.35em")
    .attr("transform", d => (d.angle < Math.PI ? "rotate(0) translate(0)" : "rotate(180) translate(-16, 0)"))
    .attr("text-anchor", d => (d.angle < Math.PI ? "start" : "end"))
    .text(d => format(d.value));

Finally, let’s draw the ribbons.

// Generator function for the inner chords.
let ribbon = d3.ribbon().radius(innerRadius);

// Create a path, using the ribbon generator function, for each
// path in the data set.
    .attr("d", ribbon)
    .attr("fill", d => color(, numCategories))
    .attr("opacity", 0.5)
    .attr("stroke", d => d3.rgb(color(, numCategories)).darker())
    .text(d => `${label(d.source.index)} ${arrow} ${label(}`);

The complete code for this example is available in Github.